Every week we have three days for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
- Wednesday following the 7 pm Mass.
- Friday following the 8:30 am Mass.
- Saturday following the 8:30 am Mass.
Bring your bible, quietly reflect, or read from some of the literature we will have for you. Please consider giving one hour to the Lord prior to starting your day. No need to sign up, just show up!
Perpetual Adoration:
First Friday of each month: From 7:00PM to 7:00AM
Tithe Online
We have made it even easier for you to give! We currently offer online EFT service where you can make your daily, weekly, or monthly tithe from the comfort of your own home. You can have it come out of your checking or savings account. All you need to do is click on the following link, and it will take you to a secure page to enter your information. Tithe Now
Support Our Schools
Support the Legacy Campaign
Council of Catholic Women
The Council of Catholic Women (CCW) meets the 2nd Thursday of each month (Sept.-May) at 6:30pm in the Family Life Center Our Lady of Lourdes meeting room. Please contact CCW President Angela McNerney. Phone 240-372-3490 or e-mail ccw@btccjax.org .
Men's Club
The Men’s Club meets on the 1st Monday of each month at 7 pm in the St. Denis Parish Hall. For additional information please call Richard Odavar at (904) 662-4609.
Junior Youth Group
Junior Youth Group has started up again. JYG is for grades 6-8. Please bring a snack or drink for everyone to share at the meetings. JYG Permission and Medical Release Forms were given out during the first meeting. If you haven’t completed these, please ask for the forms at the next meeting. We need these forms to let your child continue to attend JYG meetings and activities. For more information, email jyg@btccjax.org. Click on our flyer to learn more about our meetings in 2014-2015. We hope to see you soon!
Senior Youth Group
Couples For Christ
Families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the earth. COUPLES FOR CHRIST (CFC) is a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life.
CFC established its family ministries to provide a “womb-to-tomb” renewal ministry, where persons are evangelized at the youngest age and sustained as they grow through the different stages and states of life. The family ministries provide a support environment for every member of the family.
Want to join? Call Don and Beth Cuevas – (904) 536-9218 or email cuevas_don@yahoo.com
UNF Catholic Ospreys
Welcome back to our UNF parishioners. Please visit the official UNF Catholic Ospreys website —https://www.facebook.com/groups/CCMJAX/ — for more on what they have to offer our students.
Hispanic Apostolate
- Grupo de Oración- Todos lunes 7:00pm (Iglesia Principal o Capilla)
- Señoras de Shoenstatt- 1er Jueves 7:00pm (Salon de Conferencias)
- Juan XXIII- Todos Miércoles 7:00pm (Salon de Conferencia Iglesia)
- Emaus- 2ndo y 4to Jueves 7:00pm (Salones de Conferencia)
- Adoracion, Misa y Formación- 4to Jueves 6:00pm (Iglesia Principal) Segun sea anunciado.
- OCIA (estudio Catequesis Adultos) Martes 6:00pm Salon de Conferencias.
- Señores De San José- Rosario de Caballeros- Todos Viernes 7:00pm frente al Jardin de Nuestra Señora
- Rosario por la Paz- Todos Sábados 7:00pm frente al Jardin de Nuestras Señora
- Catequesis de Ninos y Jovenes Miercoles 6:45PM
Para mas Informacion: (904)641-1414 o envie un correo a office@btccjax.org
Filipino Apostolate
The Filipino Apostolate meets every 2nd Sunday of the month after the 12noon mass at St. Denis Parish Hall. Point of Contacts are Miss Leny Pasicolan President @ 904 377 7004 and Mr. Eugene Vice President @ 904 472 4409
Knights of Columbus

Rosary Ministry
The Blessed Trinity Rosary Ministry meets the 3rd Friday of each month at 7 pm. Please join us in making beautiful, hand-made rosaries for the various ministries/needs of our Parish. For directions/additional information, please contact Michelle Coleman at (904) 221-9530.
Ministries Schedule
See attached listing for a week by week mass schedule for those participating in the following ministries: altar servers, lectors, cross bearers, eucharistic ministers and ushers. Please contact your respective chairperson if you are unable to make your assigned week. Contact information is listed.
All Ministries, including Cross Bearers October to December 2018
Spanish Rosary Praying
Rosario por la Paz- Sabados 7:00PM Frente al Jardin de Nuestra Santisima Madre
Rosario de los Hijos de San Jose- Viernes 7:00PM en la Capilla de San Jose (Solo para Caballeros)
CRHP Weekends
Christ Renews His Parish is designed to bring parish members together in Christ, as well as emphasize the importance of your continued growth in Christian life. It is held at the parish for parish members and is hosted by parish members. Join us for the upcoming renewal weekends. For more information, please see our CRHP Brochure.
CRHP Registration forms can be picked up in the church vestibule area or downloaded and printed here — Registration Form. The forms can be mailed to or dropped off at the Parish office.
For additional information on the women’s retreat, please contact Mary Griggs at (904) 710-4284 or email mcgriggs@comcast.net.
For additional information on the men’s retreat please contact Joe Hertzer at (904) 254-6711.
Prayer Blanket Ministry
Hundreds of people have been touched by this ministry throughout the United States and internationally. Would you like to help? Did you know that $4 will make one prayer blanket? If you are interested in making a donation, please place your donation in the poor box. If paying by check, please make your check payable to Blessed Trinity Church – St. Vincent de Paul. Any donation is graciously accepted.
If you would like to request a blanket, please contact Lois Doyle at (904) 864-7141.
If you are interested in knowing more about becoming Catholic, please contact Lou Peterman by phone at (904) 504-8373 or e-mail at louispeterman@yahoo.com. All inquiries are welcome as we look forward to helping anyone enter fully into our beautiful faith community. We will begin our preparations this September so please contact us for any assistance.
Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)
The Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) is for children who do not attend Catholic School full time. Our program is for Blessed Trinity Parish families who are registered and active worshipping members. Our mission is to assist and support families in nurturing the Catholic faith while building the foundation for a strong faith community. Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion & Confirmation for school-aged children are administered through PREP and are in addition to regular grade level religion classes. Students must be in their second consecutive year of classes before they can enter into sacramental preparation. PREP classes are held during the school year on Wednesdays: kindergarten – High School meet from 6:45-8:00 PM. Orientation and Registration are in August. The date is published in the bulletin beginning Mid-July. Classes begin on the first Wednesday of September. The registration deadline for PREP is the last Wednesday of September.
Please contact Linda Miranda, PREP Director at (904) 646-4320 or email dre@btccjax for additional information.
Here is a list of important PREP documents:
- Dates to remember 2019 English Class
- Dates to remember 2019 Spanish Class
- PREP English Handbook
- PREP Spanish Handbook
- Letter to Parents, Personal Safety Grades 1-4
- Alternate Program Grades 1-4
- Letter to Parents, Personal Safety Grades 5-8
- Alternate Program Grades 5-8
- Letter to Parents, Personal Safety High School
- Alternate Program Grades 9-12
- Know the Rules Handout (English)
- Know the Rules Handout (Spanish)
Prayer and Adoration
Every week we have three days for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
- Wednesday following the 7 pm Mass.
- Friday following the 8:30 am Mass.
- Saturday following the 8:30 am Mass.
Bring your bible, quietly reflect, or read from some of the literature we will have for you. Please consider giving one hour to the Lord prior to starting your day. No need to sign up, just show up!
Perpetual Adoration:
First Friday of each month: From 7:00PM to 7:00AM
Tithe Online
We have made it even easier for you to give! We currently offer online EFT service where you can make your daily, weekly, or monthly tithe from the comfort of your own home. You can have it come out of your checking or savings account. All you need to do is click on the following link, and it will take you to a secure page to enter your information. Tithe Now
Support Our Schools
Support the Legacy Campaign
Social Ministries
Council of Catholic Women
The Council of Catholic Women (CCW) meets the 2nd Thursday of each month (Sept.-May) at 6:30pm in the Family Life Center Our Lady of Lourdes meeting room. Please contact CCW President Angela McNerney. Phone 240-372-3490 or e-mail ccw@btccjax.org .
Men's Club
The Men’s Club meets on the 1st Monday of each month at 7 pm in the St. Denis Parish Hall. For additional information please call Richard Odavar at (904) 662-4609.
Junior Youth Group
Junior Youth Group has started up again. JYG is for grades 6-8. Please bring a snack or drink for everyone to share at the meetings. JYG Permission and Medical Release Forms were given out during the first meeting. If you haven’t completed these, please ask for the forms at the next meeting. We need these forms to let your child continue to attend JYG meetings and activities. For more information, email jyg@btccjax.org. Click on our flyer to learn more about our meetings in 2014-2015. We hope to see you soon!
Senior Youth Group
Couples For Christ
Families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the earth. COUPLES FOR CHRIST (CFC) is a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life.
CFC established its family ministries to provide a “womb-to-tomb” renewal ministry, where persons are evangelized at the youngest age and sustained as they grow through the different stages and states of life. The family ministries provide a support environment for every member of the family.
Want to join? Call Don and Beth Cuevas – (904) 536-9218 or email cuevas_don@yahoo.com
UNF Catholic Ospreys
Welcome back to our UNF parishioners. Please visit the official UNF Catholic Ospreys website —https://www.facebook.com/groups/CCMJAX/ — for more on what they have to offer our students.
Hispanic Apostolate
- Grupo de Oración- Todos lunes 7:00pm (Iglesia Principal o Capilla)
- Señoras de Shoenstatt- 1er Jueves 7:00pm (Salon de Conferencias)
- Juan XXIII- Todos Miércoles 7:00pm (Salon de Conferencia Iglesia)
- Emaus- 2ndo y 4to Jueves 7:00pm (Salones de Conferencia)
- Adoracion, Misa y Formación- 4to Jueves 6:00pm (Iglesia Principal) Segun sea anunciado.
- OCIA (estudio Catequesis Adultos) Martes 6:00pm Salon de Conferencias.
- Señores De San José- Rosario de Caballeros- Todos Viernes 7:00pm frente al Jardin de Nuestra Señora
- Rosario por la Paz- Todos Sábados 7:00pm frente al Jardin de Nuestras Señora
- Catequesis de Ninos y Jovenes Miercoles 6:45PM
Para mas Informacion: (904)641-1414 o envie un correo a office@btccjax.org
Filipino Apostolate
The Filipino Apostolate meets every 2nd Sunday of the month after the 12noon mass at St. Denis Parish Hall. Point of Contacts are Miss Leny Pasicolan President @ 904 377 7004 and Mr. Eugene Vice President @ 904 472 4409
Knights of Columbus

Rosary Ministry
The Blessed Trinity Rosary Ministry meets the 3rd Friday of each month at 7 pm. Please join us in making beautiful, hand-made rosaries for the various ministries/needs of our Parish. For directions/additional information, please contact Michelle Coleman at (904) 221-9530.
Spiritual Ministries
Ministries Schedule
See attached listing for a week by week mass schedule for those participating in the following ministries: altar servers, lectors, cross bearers, eucharistic ministers and ushers. Please contact your respective chairperson if you are unable to make your assigned week. Contact information is listed.
All Ministries, including Cross Bearers October to December 2018
Spanish Rosary Praying
Rosario por la Paz- Sabados 7:00PM Frente al Jardin de Nuestra Santisima Madre
Rosario de los Hijos de San Jose- Viernes 7:00PM en la Capilla de San Jose (Solo para Caballeros)
CRHP Weekends
Christ Renews His Parish is designed to bring parish members together in Christ, as well as emphasize the importance of your continued growth in Christian life. It is held at the parish for parish members and is hosted by parish members. Join us for the upcoming renewal weekends. For more information, please see our CRHP Brochure.
CRHP Registration forms can be picked up in the church vestibule area or downloaded and printed here — Registration Form. The forms can be mailed to or dropped off at the Parish office.
For additional information on the women’s retreat, please contact Mary Griggs at (904) 710-4284 or email mcgriggs@comcast.net.
For additional information on the men’s retreat please contact Joe Hertzer at (904) 254-6711.
Prayer Blanket Ministry
Hundreds of people have been touched by this ministry throughout the United States and internationally. Would you like to help? Did you know that $4 will make one prayer blanket? If you are interested in making a donation, please place your donation in the poor box. If paying by check, please make your check payable to Blessed Trinity Church – St. Vincent de Paul. Any donation is graciously accepted.
If you would like to request a blanket, please contact Lois Doyle at (904) 864-7141.
Faith Formation Ministries
If you are interested in knowing more about becoming Catholic, please contact Lou Peterman by phone at (904) 504-8373 or e-mail at louispeterman@yahoo.com. All inquiries are welcome as we look forward to helping anyone enter fully into our beautiful faith community. We will begin our preparations this September so please contact us for any assistance.
Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)
The Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) is for children who do not attend Catholic School full time. Our program is for Blessed Trinity Parish families who are registered and active worshipping members. Our mission is to assist and support families in nurturing the Catholic faith while building the foundation for a strong faith community. Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion & Confirmation for school-aged children are administered through PREP and are in addition to regular grade level religion classes. Students must be in their second consecutive year of classes before they can enter into sacramental preparation. PREP classes are held during the school year on Wednesdays: kindergarten – High School meet from 6:45-8:00 PM. Orientation and Registration are in August. The date is published in the bulletin beginning Mid-July. Classes begin on the first Wednesday of September. The registration deadline for PREP is the last Wednesday of September.
Please contact Linda Miranda, PREP Director at (904) 646-4320 or email dre@btccjax for additional information.
Here is a list of important PREP documents:
- Dates to remember 2019 English Class
- Dates to remember 2019 Spanish Class
- PREP English Handbook
- PREP Spanish Handbook
- Letter to Parents, Personal Safety Grades 1-4
- Alternate Program Grades 1-4
- Letter to Parents, Personal Safety Grades 5-8
- Alternate Program Grades 5-8
- Letter to Parents, Personal Safety High School
- Alternate Program Grades 9-12
- Know the Rules Handout (English)
- Know the Rules Handout (Spanish)