November 27, 2023 10:20 pm

Advent Journey 2023
This special event is designed to provide a preparation to our communal Journey into Advent.
Dec. 1st Adoration Concert -Start with the opening of the heart in this special night of prayer and song in front of Jesus itself.
Dec. 2nd Advent Family Retreat- Continue with the participation on a welcoming space where families can connect, share experiences, and participate in meaningful activities in our preparation to receive the best gift JESUS this Christmas. In addition, a free lunch will be offered for all attendees.

Event Details:

• Date: Saturday, December 2
• Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
• Ages: 5 and up
• Location: Parish Hall
• Lunch: Included free of charge
Please RSVP with children ages-

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