[Distribution of Palms-Drive through pick-up only] Saturday 5:30pm-6:30pm Sunday 8:00am-9:00am Noon-1:00pm 3:00pm-4:00pm
PALM SUNDAY [Masses] Sunday 10:30am 2:00pm (Spanish)
MONDAY APR. 6TH 8:30 am Daily Mass Noon Angelus and Rosary 3:00 pm Divine Mercy 6:00pm Angelus + Adoration (Meditation and Reflection until 7:00pm)
TUESDAY APR. 7TH 8:30 am Daily Mass Noon Angelus and Rosary 3:00 pm Divine Mercy 6:00pm Angelus + Adoration (Meditation and Reflection until 7:00pm)
WEDNESDAY APR. 8TH 8:30 am Daily Mass Noon Angelus and Rosary 3:00 pm Divine Mercy 6:00pm Angelus + Adoration (Meditation and Reflection until 7:00pm)
THURSDAY APR. 9TH (HOLY THURSDAY) 8:30 am Morning Prayer Noon Angelus and Rosary 6:00pm Last Supper 7:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
FRIDAY APR. 10TH (GOOD FRIDAY) 8:30 am Morning Prayer Noon Stations of the Cross (English) 3:00pm Last Seven Words 5:00pm Stations of the Cross (Spanish) 6:00pm Celebration of the Passion of the Lord.
SATURDAY APR. 11TH (VIGIL) 8:30 am Morning Prayer Noon Angelus and Rosary 3:00pm Divine Mercy 8:00pm Vigil Mass
10:30am Easter Mass, 2:00pm Easter Mass in Spanish
[Distribution of Easter Wishes (bags with something from the Parish)-Drive Through Pickup Only]
8:00am-9:00am, 3:00pm-4:00pm
Parish News