Religious Education

2024 Registration orientation for Parents Day is August 21st at the Parish Hall. (Please just adults)

Consider volunteering for the Religious Education Program. You will have opportunities to explore your own faith. Catechists have the opportunity to attend faith formation workshops throughout the year. For more information call (904) 646-4320 or email

The Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) is for children who do not attend Catholic School full-time. Our program is for Blessed Trinity Parish families who are registered and active worshipping members. Our mission is to assist and support families in nurturing the Catholic faith while building the foundation for a strong faith community. Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion & Confirmation for school-aged children are administered through PREP and are in addition to regular grade-level religion classes. Students must be in their second consecutive year of courses before entering into sacramental preparation. PREP classes are held during the school year on Wednesdays: kindergarten – High School meets from 6:45-8:00 PM. Orientation and Registration are in August. The date is published in the bulletin beginning mid-July. Classes begin on the first Wednesday of September. The registration deadline for PREP is the last Wednesday of September.

Please contact Linda Miranda, PREP Director at (904) 646-4320 or email dre@btccjax for additional information.

Here is a list of important PREP documents:

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