Adult Chaperone Information:
Noel deLeon – 904.629.1022 Sheila deLeon – 940.923.0867
Elaine Odavar – 904.294.7827 Jackie Alvarez – 908.764.9349
Felix Alvarez – 908.283.6909 Linda Miranda – 904.514.5131 (local contact)
Hotel Information:
Spark by Hilton
7701 Universal Blvd, Orlando FL 32819
Do’s and Don’ts:
First of all, DON’T BE LATE on Friday. We would like to leave the Parish by 4PM. Please plan ahead of time and don’t be late.
Monitor the weather in Orlando. It looks like it will be a nice weekend, however the nights do get chilly/cold and daytime warm. I’d recommend wearing layers so you can stay comfortable all day and night. Pack and wear accordingly. We do not have plans to go back and forth between the parks and the hotel.
Be sure to eat before you arrive to the parish hall on Friday after school or bring some food for the ride down to Orlando – Don’t be late! If we leave as planned, it will be close to 8PM until we reach the park areas to grab something to eat. You can bring a bottled drink with you on the car ride down. I will have some bottled water and some snacks available but feel free to bring some to share as well. As for the other meals, please ensure you have enough money for food and drinks throughout the weekend. There is a continental style breakfast – bagels, pastries, etc – at the hotel. I would recommend filling up in the morning as park food is pricey. Since it is cooler weather, you still need to make sure you stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. I would recommend bringing a refillable water bottle and save the expense of constantly purchasing drinks. Plus sugar is bad.
While in the parks, we will remain in the park that we all are in. Meaning, if we enter Islands of Adventure as a group, we will remain there until it is time to head over to Universal Studios and vice versa. We will all leave together as a group. There will be no single group going in and out of the park and City Walk.
Try to catch as much Christian Music as you can. God is always trying to speak to each one of us and I’m certain there is a message waiting for you to hear.
Each group must be in a group of 3 or more at all times. If someone doesn’t want to ride a ride, they are welcome to stay behind and wait at a designated location until the rest of the group finishes the ride. If the group is riding The Hulk, the person not riding must remain close to The Hulk – not wandering around the park alone or in a group less than 3. Plan ahead and with the entire group – hang out with others you don’t know well – you’ll be surprised how much fun each other are- and how much you all have in common.
Someone in your group must always have a working wireless phone. Keep the phones charged by not sticking your nose in it all the time. Look up and enjoy the views and everyone’s smiling faces.
Since the weather can get cool/cold, I do not recommend water rides. Especially at night or close to the evening when you can dry off before the sun goes down. If you do get soaked, I’d recommend sharing a drying booth (costs money) so that you don’t catch a cold.
We will be attending Mass on Sunday morning at Mary, Queen of the Universe. Please plan on wearing something casual but still presentable. Shorts, Jeans, nice shirts, etc.
We are not alone in the hotel. Please be courteous and stay quiet both in your rooms and in the halls. At night, when we get back from the parks, there should be no reason anyone is wandering around the hotel. I have requested all our rooms are close to each other so I’ll be watching and listening!
Try to do as much homework on the way down to Orlando on Friday. It’s a long weekend and you’ll be tired on Sunday.
We are taking 2 passengers vans for transportation. Which ever van you get into when we leave the Parish Hall on Friday is the same Van you will remain in for the entire weekend. No swapping back and forth as this will ensure everyone gets accounted for. THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE – NO SWAPPING VANS.
Bring a great attitude, plan on making new friends! Enjoy the weekend! And don’t forget to thank your parents and Fr. Matt every chance you get.
Did I mention – DON’T BE LATE on Friday – we leave by 4PM.